Personal blog: Ju Ho Nam's Blog

Affiliation: Individual
Source Code:
Development Period: 2022.09 ~
Service Status: Operating

Jekyll Html Markdown Sass

My personal blog web page is statically deployed with Jekyll framework, with the purpose of writing and publishing posts and career records related to software development. Minimal Mistakes theme was implemented for the development of this web page. In the future, I'm planning to implement more different features such as categories, post searchings, and advertisement.
  • Markdown based posts
  • Custom page development
  • Static deployment in Github Pages
  • Implementing Disqus comment section
  • Submiting in Google and Naver search engines
  • Monitoring traffics using Google Analytics


Affiliation: J&FIRST
Team Size: 15
Participation Period: 2022.08 ~ 2023.01

React JS GraphQL

This is an admin service for managing advertisement of LINE events. The events are displayed in curation sets, and so dependencies between data such as curation sets, events, and event creators are crucial in this service. Since this project was initially developed by other company, key to this project was adapting to the new source code structure and newly introduced GraphQL.

My Role:
  • Analyzing front-end source code and service structure
  • Changing data structure and UI based on new requirement
  • Developing service using GraphQL

Wallet Data Management (WDM)

Affiliation: J&FIRST
Team Size: 15
Participation Period: 2022.05 ~ 2023.01

React JS Next.js Typescript Nginx Python

This is an admin service for managing LINE Wallet data. Main object of the project is to provide service where LINE employees can perform migration between different databases through the admin web page. Data types, DB queries and scheduling methods are sent from front-end, and migration processes are scheduled with batch processes and Jenkins program in back-end. The project also includes managing data size and DB resources. Security and authorization is very important in this project.

My Role:
  • Leading overall front-end development process
  • Refactoring due to implementation of Next.js in React JS project
  • Developing the core page in the service
  • Database query and Crontab scheduling format validation algorithm
  • Writing Python script for decoding authorization code in batch job

Monary CMS

Affiliation: J&FIRST
Team Size: 15
Participation Period: 2021.12 ~ 2023.01

React JS Typescript Nginx

This is an admin service for managing LINE NEWS articles. Main feature is registering and editing articles through Naver SmartEditor ONE (same editor as Naver blog post editor), with other substantial features such as managing article series, tags, categories, and banner images.

My Role:
  • Developing banner and series management page
  • Implementing complex UI features such as preview image and drag & drop
  • Maintenance of SmartEditor One features
  • Implementing UI that differs based on user authorization

Cryptocurrency Automated Trading Simulation

Affiliation: Individual
Source Code:
Development Period: 2021.05 ~ 2022.11
Service Status: Discontinued

Go Python MySQL Telegram Bot API Docker

This project aims to simulate automated trading algorithm in real time. Actual transaction does not happen, and instead, when buy or sell condition is met, real time message is sent through Telegram Bot API. Service is operating in a Telegram group chat.
  • Simulation of automated trading algorithm through cryptocurrency exchange API
  • Implementation of WebSocket to retrieve real time price fluctuations
  • Refactoring from Python to Go